A Day At A School - Best ICSE School in Dehradun- Le Grand International School Skip to content

A Day At A School

A Day at Le Grand International School: Nurturing Minds and Hearts

At Le Grand International School, every day begins with a warm and enthusiastic welcome as students arrive at the entrance, setting the tone for a day filled with learning, growth, and camaraderie. Our daily routine is carefully crafted to ensure a balanced and enriching educational experience for all.

Morning Assembly: A Communal Start

The day commences with a morning assembly, a time when students gather after settling their bags in their respective classrooms. This assembly is a sacred tradition where unity and positivity are celebrated.

Prayer: A Moment of Reflection

In a harmonious blend of languages, students participate in a prayer that bridges the cultures of India. Prayers are offered in both English and Hindi, fostering a sense of inclusivity and reverence.

Hymns: Melodies of Inspiration

Following the prayers, hymns in English and Hindi resonate through the assembly, infusing the atmosphere with a sense of spirituality and unity.

Thought of the Day: A Source of Inspiration

Each morning, a thought of the day is shared, offering students a nugget of wisdom to contemplate throughout their day. These thoughts serve as a guiding light for their personal and academic journeys.

News: Staying Informed

In a language accessible to all, important news is shared during the assembly. This practice keeps students informed about the world around them and encourages awareness and curiosity.

Story or Talk: Valuing Education

A short story or talk, often centered around the value of education, is presented to inspire and motivate students. These stories serve as reminders of the transformative power of learning.

Sharing Important Information: Keeping Everyone Informed

Any essential information or announcements are communicated during this time, ensuring that both students and teachers are well-informed and prepared.

Structured Learning: Classes Begin

Following the assembly, students from Classes 1 to 11 return to their classrooms to embark on their daily educational journey. The timetable is thoughtfully crafted to promote stress-free learning, allowing students to engage fully with the subjects and topics at hand.

Balancing Academics and Activities: A Well-Rounded Experience

Throughout the day, the daily schedule is interspersed with activities that provide opportunities for physical activity, outdoor enjoyment, and artistic expression. These activities are essential in fostering a holistic approach to education.

Mid-Morning Break: Nourishment for Body and Mind

During mid-morning, students enjoy a well-deserved break, indulging in a healthy breakfast that nourishes their bodies and provides an energy boost for the remainder of the day.

Dispersal: A Smooth Transition

As the clock approaches 2:00 p.m., members of the student council, guided by teachers, efficiently manage the dispersal process. This ensures that students depart safely, concluding their day at Le Grand International School with the same warmth and enthusiasm with which it began.

At Le Grand International School, our daily routine is more than just a schedule; it’s a carefully orchestrated symphony of learning, growth, and community. We believe that a balanced approach to education, coupled with cultural richness and shared values, lays the foundation for well-rounded individuals ready to embrace the future. Join us on this educational journey where every day is an opportunity to learn, inspire, and thrive.

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